Monday, December 13, 2004

Rudimentary Programmin Lesson in Java

I started and my partner finished our programming project for our Internet Technology class. Dumbest errors that wasted a lot of time? Redefining global variables locally and getting NullPointerExceptions. Other error is multi-threading related, but Mike was able to find an interesting workaround. More on that eventually, I hope. Otherwise, Eclipse is a great IDE! Unfortunately, they didn't have it at the lab as I thought. AH! I actually remember now, it was at the Engineering lab that they had Eclipse.


Michael said...

Hehe. Just passing along a lesson I learned the hard way myself (and ranted about endlessly in recitation).

See you in OS Design, buddy :-)

Oh, and thanks for a great mistake-blog. There should be more of these out there. You've seen mine, right? (hehe- I plugged my own blog...)

(uh oh... am I allowed to put links to LJ on here??? :-P )

Will said...

Hey, you could've placed a hyperlink there, it'd have been fine.