Friday, December 31, 2004

Choose your battles wisely...

Having been on the losing end of several blogging debates, I think I finally know the meaning of the phrase, pick your fights wisely. That's why being on the offensive is so important when fighting a battle. Your opponents will focus on your weaknesses, and you need to focus on the weaknesses of your opponents. We're assuming neither side is perfect. Of course, ideally, you'd be able to defend your positions as well.

I'm not saying that I should be going on the offensive, but should stop just fighting battles I tend to lose against an enemy that has the higher ground.

Who'd have thought IE was less forgiving...

Beginning Javscripters beware: IE refuses to believe an object exists unless you pre-define it first (outside any conditionals). I'm tempted to say it's like C.
(UPDATE: I am a big idiot. I had to do this because I didn't use the declaration operator "var".

Also, thanks Simon for having a link to MS's script debugger.
To use it, insert debugger in your code. I inserted it as debugger; but I have limited experience with it. It also acts as a break point, so put it after the problem areas. Just remember to take it out when you're done.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004


Do not use bare double quotes within a php echo statement!

Monday, December 13, 2004

Rudimentary Programmin Lesson in Java

I started and my partner finished our programming project for our Internet Technology class. Dumbest errors that wasted a lot of time? Redefining global variables locally and getting NullPointerExceptions. Other error is multi-threading related, but Mike was able to find an interesting workaround. More on that eventually, I hope. Otherwise, Eclipse is a great IDE! Unfortunately, they didn't have it at the lab as I thought. AH! I actually remember now, it was at the Engineering lab that they had Eclipse.